Principal's Corner

On behalf of the Sheridan Community I would like to thank everyone for your continued support to our school. Our Smarter Balance Assessment results continue to rise in both Language Arts and Math, our foundational reading skills assessments in Kindergarten and 1st grade indicate a large percentage of proficient and advance students, the number of students attending school 96% or more of the time increased while the percentage of students with chronic absences has declined significantly.
This year we have embarked in new initiatives such as the Dual Language in Kindergarten, a robotics team, a partnership with USC to provide Coding in 1st and 2nd grade, a school choir and soon 4th grade students will learn how to read and play music by practicing on a recorder.
As mentioned before, at Sheridan Street Elementary School we believe our Mighty Wise Owls are Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow. I hold this true to my heart and I will make certain that we continue focusing on turning our learners into leaders by creating a safe, nurturing, learning and welcoming environment where all family members are valued and learning is differentiated to meet the needs of our students.
We look forward to our continued partnership as we make every effort to provide a learning environment where your child will blossom. We thank you for our trust in our school.
Sheridan Street School Principal